This time of year is always hard. Even when I am not actively thinking about my Dad, the knowledge that this is when he died is always there. Some years are better than others; this year has been particularly hard. On a positive note, I have been more sad this year. :) I know that may sound contradictory, but too often I don't feel anything, or not enough, anyway, so I will take sad. But the fog is hard. It makes it hard to move, hard to think, hard to get up in the morning, and hard to care about anything.
Today, a friend sent me this, and this quote broke through the fog, bringing me to tears:
"'So I would like to remind the couples who are experiencing the condition of infertility, that their vocation to marriage is no less because of this. Spouses, for their own baptismal and marriage vocation, are called to cooperate with God in the creation of a new humanity. The vocation to love, in fact, is a vocation to the gift of self and this is a possibility that no organic condition can prevent. There, where science has not yet found an answer, the answer that gives light comes from Christ.'”
Ahhh. Marriage itself is a calling. Marriage itself is valued by God. Thank you, Mr. Pope (Your Holiness?) for saying this, for shining light on hope for the hopeless, for speaking Truth where often there is none.
I think this is also a good reminder that there are many things that are complete on their own, namely a person. A single person is complete by his/herself and created. A life, conceived in any manner, is complete and created by God. LIFE is created by God. LIFE is all around us: plants, trees, birds, fish, dogs, giraffes, babies, the elderly -- it is all life and it is GOOD.
I will say more about LIFE later. For now, know that you, your marriage, your very being, is a life called unto God.
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